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Our Team

Meet our CEO together with the Design, Hardware and Software experts below.

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Who We Are

We are a small team of car enthusiasts with more than a decade of experience in the development of electronic devices for the automotive industry. 

We developed Instrument Clusters and IVI systems in the past for the biggest vehicle OEMs and we know how the automotive systems work.

What we Do

We have the Hardware and Software expertise in order to develop and produce new products. Our Designers and Mechanical Engineers can integrate seamlessly every device in the interior of your vehicle. 

 We develop accessories for your Tesla vehicle which aim to improve the experience of driving and give you the things you have missed so far. Our products are easy to install with DIY step by step guides, don't violate your warranty and are safe to be used in any situation on the road.

    "We love EVs and the way they are transforming our world and society to a better place. We want to be part of this change and contribute with what we can do best. Our goal is to create products which ENHANCE your vehicle, help for this transition and make your driving experience even better."

Dimitar Stoimenov

CEO Enhance Automotive

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