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Here you will find the answers to most of the questions you might have. 

Of course you can always ask anything at [email protected] or via CONTACT form in the site.

How to install the Commander and S3XY Knob in my car?

Everything you need is provided in our box. In addition, you will have to download our "S3XY App" to your phone.
Check out our installation guide here:
Model 3 & Y     |    Model S & X    |  Model 3 Highland    |  S3XY Knob

What about Tesla Warranty?

According to the official Tesla Vehicle Limited Warranty document, the warranty of the vehicle as a whole is not voided when installing 3rd party accessories.

Only if there is an issue with a specific part of the vehicle (broken part or something not working as expected), proved to be caused directly or indirectly by the 3rd party accessory, this part has a limited warranty, and Tesla might charge for replacing it or diagnosing the car.

For now, Tesla is OK with 3rd party accessories and doesn't state anywhere that the vehicle warranty is voided entirely because the 3rd party accessory is installed.

We have clients who went to Tesla Service with the buttons, and they just removed the OBD Commander and placed it on the passenger seat without any issues or warranty limitations.

We always recommend removing the Commander from the car when going to Tesla service to avoid issues with the staff and/or wrong interpretations of the global Tesla policy.

What about the security?

We implemented 5 layers of security that are enough to stop hackers or thieves from accessing your car from our device.

1. Custom end-to-end encryption for communication between all the components (Phone, Commander, and Buttons).

2. Our device refuses any additional connection requests unless a Connect button is physically pressed inside the car - The steering wheel button should be double-pressed to continue pairing when connecting from an unrecognized phone. This basically prevents everyone from outside the car to connect to the system.

3. The Commander turns OFF its wireless connections (Bluetooth and WIFI) if there is nobody in the car, making it hard for attackers to hack the car when you are not around.

4. The Commander doesn’t understand any RAW messages sent to the car, only the functions that are supported by our app. As a result, potential attackers cannot exploit any unsupported functionalities or manipulate the system beyond the intended features. They cannot listen to raw signals or send raw messages like when connected to other commonly used OBD Dongles on the market.

5. There is enhanced security logic inside the Commander. For example, the Unlocking feature works only if someone sits in the driver’s seat, etc.

Even if a person uses BIAS or other methods to overcome layer 1, the other layers 2, 3, 4, and 5 will ensure that the access he gained is harmless to your car.

In the Commander, we use the ESP32 module with all the latest security updates from its manufacturer (Espressif), which covers all the latest findings and vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we enabled all the security features of the ESP32 module, such as Secure Boot, Flash, and NVS Encryption, with CHIP-related encryption and additional fuse protection on the chip level (every Commander has a different encryption key). Even if you hack one on a bench you cannot apply the same method to others over the air. In addition, our OTA binary and App communication is also encrypted differently.

What is the maximum number of buttons I can connect to the Commander or the S3XY Knob?

Currently, the Commander supports up to 8 buttons. You can assign 3 actions for each button, so you could have up to 24 shortcuts (Single press, Double press, and Long press),

If you own a S3XY Knob, you can assign up to 8 buttons to go along with it.

How to setup Cloud functions from the S3XY App and what errors can be observed?

We created a detailed video with all the steps needed to use your Cloud functions with our S3XY Buttons and App:
Watch tutorial
Here are the most common errors:
1. "Expected 17-character VIN in path" - this can be fixed by logging out and back into your Tesla account within the S3XY App.
2. Error 104 - Same like the above - Log out and back into the Tesla account
3. Error 301 - There is no connection to our server - usually means your phone has no access to the internet
4. Error 401 - Your App is not updated - check your App Store
Currently the HVAC synchronization works only when the S3XY App is open.

I already own S3XY Buttons or Commander. Can I purchase only the S3XY Knob?

We are planning to release the S3XY Knob as a stand-alone unit once we handle the current pre-orders - later this year.

Can I connect other apps like Scan My Tesla to the Commander?

Yes! With the Commander version 2.4.2, we have added support for 3rd party apps. Read more here:

Is it possible to use the S3XY buttons app with 2 different Teslas, when each Tesla has its own commander?

Yes, definitely. The S3XY Buttons app is designed for more than one car (Commanders). Just click on the top right of the Home screen of the app to add new cars or to switch between them.

What Tesla software versions are supported by the buttons?

You can check all supported versions here:
We release a new version of the software every 2-3 weeks with new features or improvements. If Tesla makes changes that break some functionalities, we will adapt our software as soon as possible. Compatibility updates are guaranteed during the warranty of our device. 

What functions are supported currently and do you plan to add new in the future?

You can check all supported functions for our S3XY Buttons here:
And you can see the S3XY Knob ones here:

We are constantly adding new features via software updates. We listen to customers' feedback and add new things based on this.

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