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S3XY Stalks

Customizable levers controlling over 100 Tesla actions.

Choose your model
Model 3 2024+ (Ships 24.04)
Model S&X 2021+ (Ships 28.04)

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What is included:
- Left and Right lever 
- Gen2 Commander
- Wiring 
- Cleaning Wipes 

If you are looking for a Standalone Stalk without a Commander, follow this link.

The S3XY Stalks are a great addition to every Tesla model without turn signal indicators or the gear shifting lever. 
They stick to the side of the steering wheel column without requiring the steering wheel to be taken apart. 
Through the S3XY app, you can configure up to 18 different actions for each lever based on your gear, making them truly unique. 

The S3XY Stalks are powered by a CR2032 battery, which will last at least a year with regular use and can be replaced in seconds without taking the lever apart. 

The Gen2 Commander unlocks a dozen different automation, such as automatic Autopilot re-engagement after a turn, ISA warning mute, and much more. 

All of our products receive OTA updates with new features and improvements. For more information, check out our Blog posts or our YouTube channel. 

- If you own our Gen2 Commander, you can purchase the S3XY Stalks as an individual unit from the Standalone section in our Shop.
- Gen 1 Commanders will NOT work with the S3XY Stalks!


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4.7 / 5

Based on 112 Reviews






Jan Kral

Greta products for good price.

A lot of functions made my Tesla better and more comforteble. Great idea and great product. Instalation is very easy and it works great.

Need more buttons?

(add to the kit you already have)

S3XY Knob (standalone)

A high-end rotary controller with over 66 smart shortcuts - requires Commander sold separately!

2 Add-on S3XY Buttons Gen2

Get these If you want to add more S3XY Buttons to your existing setup!


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