This article will explain basic steps to connect other apps to the Commander via a secured WiFi connection with the Panda interface. What apps are supported? 2️⃣ Connect to S3XY_OBD WiFi from your phone settings with password 12345678 4️⃣ Connect with your favorite app as shown below.
• Scan My Tesla
iOS and Android-beta (paid)
Cool gauges and stats for your Tesla! Connects to your car's CAN-bus, and can read lots of interesting and entertaining information such as temperatures, motor torque, battery power and capacity, and much much more.
⚠️Android users must 'Join Beta program' of ScanMyTesla app in Google Play in order to get the latest version with Panda interface support.
• TesLax
iOS (paid)
tes•LAX is a CAN bus Explorer and visualization tool that works with CAN data from many sources, including gas-powered and electric vehicles. It has raw data monitoring and CAN data logging.
• CANDash
Android (free)Simple dashboard with bigger text showing some valuable information like Speed, Distance to empty, State of charge, Selected Gear, Blind Spot, Front and rear motor temperature and torque, Coolant Flow, etc.
How to Connect?1️⃣ Enable ScanMyTesla support from Commander settings.
3️⃣ Disable any VPN you have on your phone.
• Scan My Tesla
Request Beta access for ScanMyTesla on Android from the Play Store as shown below
After you get access to the Beta app proceed with the next steps
Select WiFi (CanServer/Panda) from the Settings menu
Choose "Automatic IP" from CanServer Settings and set the IP to
Go to Dashboards and verify that CanServer is connected
• TesLax
Select Panda from the Accessories menu
Choose "Auto-Connect" and set the Host IP to and the UDP port to 1338
Select Connect to Panda and verify the connection
• CANDash
Select Panda from the Settings
Verify the connection
• if you cannot find settings in ScanMyTesla on Android, make sure you have the Beta version of the ScanMyT3SLA app from PlayStore
• check if the WiFi connection is stable (means it doesn't disconnect after 3 seconds or so)
• check if only 1 phone is connected to the S3XY_OBD at a time (if you ever connected something else like a phone, the car, or a laptop, they might connect automatically in the background....forget the WIFI network from these devices)
• check if you have an active VPN and disable it if so. It prevents those apps from working
• restart ScanMyTesla or TesLax apps if the WiFi connection is OK but they still cannot connect
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